Credit Restoration
Credit Restoration
Bad credit can be a hassle that creeps into every aspect of your life. Whether it is incorrect or outdated information on your credit report, it can make all other aspects of your financial life unbearable. There are solutions available to rectify the situation, and put your credit score back on track. When information appears in your credit history that should not be there, it is time for credit restoration.
We work closely with clients to help them restore their credit, at Just Credit Solutions. We do this by disputing or eliminating items that are incorrect, items that are past the statute of limitations, duplicate reported items, or reports that have an incorrect identity and personal info. We become credit advocates for our clients.
What We Offer
Customer Support
We have an award winning support staff.
24/7 Tracking
Your own online portal to track results.
Text/Email Updates
We communicate with you every step of the way.
Proven Strategy
Let our expertise guide you to better results.
Unmatched Results
We have one of the highest fix/delete ratios in the industry.
We do not limit our disputes.
Save Time and Money
Let us do the heavy lifting for you.
Easy Setup Process
Call us today! 630-208-0800
and more...
Why We Are Different
Most companies just send out template letter after template letter hoping for different results. We understand that each client is unique in their situation. We have a strategic approach aimed toward each client’s individual needs. We know how to get the best results for you, and we spell it out from the beginning.
We also pride ourselves on communication with our clients. Through text message and email alerts, we keep you in the loop throughout the process. We’re always just a phone call away if you have questions or need advice.